










Horoscope Matching For Marriage
गणपूज्यो वक्रतुण्ड एकदंष्ट्री त्रियम्बक:।
नीलग्रीवो लम्बोदरो विकटो विघ्रराजक :।।
धूम्रवर्णों भालचन्द्रो दशमस्तु विनायक:।
गणपर्तिहस्तिमुखो द्वादशारे यजेद्गणम।।’
Sai Upasak Astrology is known for making 99% accurate predictions and delivers positive results on daily life hurdles.
Get Expert Instant Solutions based on Hand, face or photo and Janam Kundali Analysis. On public demand he is residing in Bangalore now. Solve any problem in a stipulated time.
South India’s Famous Astrology and Vaastu consultant G.R Shastri Ji Having 50 years Ancestral Spiritual experience in Vedic & Dharmic Astrology, Kp and Nadi Astrology following traditions from three generations.
G.R Shastri Ji has been residing in Bangalore for 50 years and is known for making 99% accurate predictions on life issues.
He’s predicts your future by seeing your palm and face or photo and Janam Kundali analysis .Solve any kind of your personal problems like Relationships and Love, Marriage, Money and Wealth, Career, Health and Nutrition, Children and Family, Past Life, Karmas, Vaastu Dosha and Graha Dosha, Business, Court Case, Film Industry, politics and abroad.
Any nature of problems will be solved in a stipulated time based on person to person prediction. The remedies do not bring about success directly but they just help overcome the obstacles and difficult situations. Remedies cannot substitute the efforts that are mandatory to achieve the goals.
However even today there is no shortage of genuine Vedic pandits who still do the poojas and homas as per the authentic Vedic tradition. I am pleased to inform you that due to repeated requests by my clients for online pooja order facility, I have put together a team of genuine traditional south-Indian Vedic purohits who can perform the poojas sincerely as prescribed in the scriptures.
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Pandit G.R Shastri A Pioneer, Prodigy & Founder Of Sai Upasak Astrologer In India Has Always Worked For The Welfare Of His Beloved Clients. No Matter What Problems Or Phase One Goes Through., our astrologer in India Supports Them & Makes Sure They Are Not Worried Anymore About It.

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G.R Shastri Ji Started Learning Vedic Astrology & Numerology At the Age Of 15. While Practising Numerology He Was Interested In Nadi & Vedic Rituals Which Made Him Travel Through Kerala, Varanasi, Assam, Nepal, Manipur, and Tamil-Nadu.
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His Experience And Art Of Vedic Rituals Is Still Appraised And Used In Various Ancient Powerful Temples Of India.
Best Astrologer Shastri Ji Has Always Been Curious About Planets & Its Effects On Individuals. His Knowledge In Maths, Astronomics & Time Helps In Predicting Karma & Future Deeds Of An Individual With 99% Accuracy.
With Over 50 Years of Experience, Shastri Ji Has Researched, Experimented, Drafted, and Predicted Over 2L+ Horoscopes Accurately Throughout Various Countries Of Various Individuals. This Makes Us Proud That Best Astrologer G.R Shastri JI Has Dedicated So Much Of His Life For The Welfare Of Many People.
“If One Has The Strength To Stand Still Against The Odds Even Fate Will Support Them’’ – G.R Shastri

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How to choose the best astrologer?
How to Check Nakshatra or Star Compatibility for Marriage?
Why Nakshatra Matching is Important for Marriage?
How Can I Predict My Marriage Date?
How might I find my perfect partner by date of birth?
What amount of time does this require ?
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Why Should I avail online horoscope matching?
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How Can Consultation For Horoscope Matching Be Beneficial For Me?
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–> What can we expect during the consultation with sai upasak astrology?
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Sai upasak astrology was established in 1980! Since then G.R Shastri Ji has provided helpful advice, solutions & on-time results. One can always ask any number of questions to see how knowledgeable your Sai Upasak Guruji is.
–> How to choose the best astrologer?
If you searching for a renowned astrologer? You are in the proper location. For more than 50 years, Sai Upasak Astrology has offered customers various types of astrological services while maintaining complete anonymity.
Our Guruji knowledge is incredibly potent and extends beyond Vedic astrology to include numerology, Vastu sastra, marriage compatibility, and more.
Make a wise choice by reading up on the astrologer.
Consult a renowned astrologer to find solutions to a variety of pressing problems that frequently interfere with our daily lives. Look up the feedback from previous clients.
–> What Is Star Matching? Importance In Marriage Longevity!
According to Vedic Astrologer G.R Shastri JI, Janam nakshatra is where the moon is available in the graph during the people’s birth time.
At the hour of Nakshatra matching for marriage, if the quantity of matching Nakshatras in the horoscope of forthcoming accomplices are high, then, at that point, they are said to have solid similarity for marriage. Astrologers share that a decent Nakshatra matching score implies the great comprehension, prosperity, offspring, physical and profound similarity of a couple.
–> How to Check Nakshatra or Star Compatibility for Marriage?
To play out the horoscope matching by Nakshatra or star, astrologers take birth subtleties of the forthcoming accomplices, for example, birth date, general setting. They then make a horoscope or Janam Kundli by the date of birth to track down the Janma Nakshatra and Janam Rashi (zodiac indication) of the local.
In the wake of checking the Janam Rashi and Janma Nakshatra of both kid and young lady, they use Koota arrangement strategy.
In this strategy, Sai Upasak Astrology looks at the 10 Porutham or Koota and shares star similarity levels as Uthamam, Madhyamam or Adhamam. They give marriage expectations in view of the Nakshatra matching report and furthermore give bits of knowledge into the Doshas present in their horoscope.
–> Why Nakshatra Matching is Important for Marriage?
According to Vedic astrology, individuals with comparable Gunas or Koota or Porutham are viable with one another.
An association of inconsistent gatherings can bring about troubled marriage, disaster, medical affliction and division.
Subsequently, you genuinely should be aware in the event that you and your planned accomplice are of a similar viable gathering and how viable you are with your accomplice in light of the Nakshatra matching for marriage!
Here are a few different reasons that make Nakshatra matching significant for organised or love marriages.
- The heavenly mix in the horoscope often makes Bad Yogas or Doshas that influence the marriage, prosperity and the similarity of a couple. Through the Nakshatra matching strategy, you can be familiar with these Doshas in Kundali and can track down their force to influence your marriage life. You may likewise Ask our Astrologer to get the visionary cures of Kundali Doshas and solve the problems.
- Mangal Dosha (Chevvai Dosham) and Shani Dosha are a portion of the awful Doshas that distress wedded life and cause demise, partition or separation. Nakshatra Matching can assist you with knowing about such Doshas in Kundali and chances of Divorce from now on.
- All in all, Nakshatra matching can be the most effective way to guarantee a decent marriage life. we can offer bits of knowledge into the future and give you a superior comprehension to work on your similarity in both love marriage and organised marriage.
Sai Upasak Best Astrologer In Bangalore accepts its adequacy and consequently suggests Nakshatra matching as a significant practice to perform before a Hindu marriage.
The Following Eight Paraments Are Considered Between the Boy and Girl for Marriage.
Varna Koota. This koota checks out at the profound angle between the couples. The most extreme allocated mark is 1 in this boundary, where all the twelve rashis are partitioned into 4 classifications.
These four classifications are brahmin, kshatriyas, vaishyas and afterward shudras.
Here the varna of the husband to be or young lady ought to be either equivalent or better than that of their accomplice.
Else, no focuses are apportioned.
Vasya Koota: Here all the twelve rashi’s are partitioned into 5 classes.
Chatuspada: This implies Quadruped. Here Aries, Taurus, second 50% of Sagittarius and first 50% of Capricorn are adjusted.
Dwipada: Which implies Manushya or individuals. Here they are thought of: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, first 50% of Sagittarius and Aquarius to follow signs.
Jalchar rashi: Cancer, second 50% of Capricorn and Pisces.
Banachar rashi: Leo rashi. Here it implies wandering in the backwoods.
Keet Rasi: Scorpio. Presently, while matching the two horoscopes, both the lady and the lucky man should be of a similar Vashya. The most extreme focus designated is 2 for this situation.
Tara Koota: Tara Koota is the main counterpart for profound similarity between the kid and the young lady viable for marriage. This is a two-way match making process, as a matter of fact.
Along these lines, the profound similarity between forthcoming lady of the hour and lucky man are considered from both their horoscopes. And that implies, first the similarity of lady of the hour with husband to be and afterward groom with lady of the hour is thought of. Allow us to actually look at the interaction.
–> How Can I Predict My Marriage Date?
–> How might I find my perfect partner by date of birth?
An ideal life accomplice is one who is consistently there with you in any circumstance.
Numerology assists you with tracking down your ideal accomplice. For a marriage match or love relationship similarity you want to check assuming your date of birth number is agreeable with your accomplice’s numbers or not.
If the quantities of young men and young ladies are as one with one another, they can make an ideal pair and a deep rooted relationship.
There are 9 numbers on which numerology is based. The numerology number of an individual is determined based on his/her date of birth.
We should accept an illustration of a kid with the date of birth on twelfth walk 1992.
Mystic number (birth date number) = 12 = 3 (1+2)
predetermination number (add date + month + year) = 1+2+3+1+9+9+2 = 27 = 9
thus, dob is 3/9
young lady’s date of birth is 23rd april 1993
mystic number (birth date number) = 23 = 5 (2+3)
predetermination number (add date + month + year) = 2+3+4+1+9+9+3 = 41 = 5
thus, dob is 5/5
While choosing a soul mate, the main component that should be checked is vibration between their predetermination numbers.
As on account of fate, the quantity of young men is 9 and the predetermined number of young ladies is 5 and the connection between number 9 and 5 is awesome. Thus, they can be an ideal counterpart for one another.
With the assistance of the above estimation, you can likewise check your similarity with your soul mate.
You pay AFTER the astrologer has presented the perusing, and in the event that you wish to peruse the FULL response. The expenses right now are ₹2000.
–> What amount of time does this require ? How Do I Check My Astrology?
When you have effectively reserved an arrangement, one of our astrologers will address your inquiry. The typical inquiry is responded to in 6 hours or less. Anyway on days with weighty build-up (or occasions/ends of the week) it could take more time. On the off chance that you have mentioned for a particular astrologer it can take significantly longer. 95% of inquiries are responded to in 24 hours or less.
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