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श्री शनि वैदिक मंत्र:
ॐ शन्नो देवी रभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीपतये शनयो रविस्र वन्तुनः।
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G.R Shastri Ji Started Learning Vedic Astrology & Numerology At the Age Of 15. While Practising Numerology He Was Interested In Nadi & Vedic Rituals Which Made Him Travel Through Kerala, Varanasi, Assam, Nepal, Manipur, and Tamil-Nadu.
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With Over 50 Years of Experience, Shastri Ji Has Researched, Experimented, Drafted, and Predicted Over 2L+ Horoscopes Accurately Throughout Various Countries Of Various Individuals. This Makes Us Proud That Best Astrologer G.R Shastri JI Has Dedicated So Much Of His Life For The Welfare Of Many People.
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What can we expect during the consultation with sai upasak astrology?
Does anyone find Sai Upasak Astrology Predictions & solutions Accurate?
How to choose the best astrologer?
Are you concerned about your life and career?
What is Guna Milan in Kundali Matching?
What happens to couples with a very low score in Kundali matching?
What happens if all 36 Gunas match?
Why come to Sai Upasak Best Astrologer In India?
What number of gunas ought to match for marriage?
Is Mangal Dosha matching additionally significant?
Could Nadi Dosha at any point be overlooked?
Might Nadi Dosha at any point be overlooked?
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What are ventures for Kundli Analysis?
–> What can we expect during the consultation with sai upasak astrology?
Get all answers to any problems which are bothering you and your family. Call us today for genuine advice on any decisions.
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Sai upasak astrology was established in 1980! Since then G.R Shastri Ji has provided helpful advice, solutions & on-time results. One can always ask any number of questions to see how knowledgeable your Sai Upasak Guruji is.
–> How to choose the best astrologer?
If you searching for a renowned astrologer? You are in the proper location. For more than 50 years, Sai Upasak Astrology has offered customers various types of astrological services while maintaining complete anonymity.
Our Guruji knowledge is incredibly potent and extends beyond Vedic astrology to include numerology, Vastu sastra, marriage compatibility, and more.
Make a wise choice by reading up on the astrologer.
Consult a renowned astrologer to find solutions to a variety of pressing problems that frequently interfere with our daily lives. Look up the feedback from previous clients.
–> Is Kundli matching really important for marriage?
Kundli Matching for Horoscope Matching plays a vital role at the time of marriage. Hindu Scriptures consider marriage as a holy union planned even before taking birth. Marriage is also one of the most beautiful moments in one’s life.
Everyone wants a good spouse with whom she/he can create some beautiful memories and feel happy. This is the area where the actual happiness of the person lies over. Where marriage is an important aspect in India, people today are very much interested in finding the perfect life partner.
According To Sai Upasak Kundali Match Making Astrologer In Hinduism, horoscopes or kundli of both boy and girl are matched in order to nullify any bad effects after marriage. Also, in case of any doshas, astrology offers several remedies and solutions to overcome its malefic effects.
–> Are you concerned about your life and career?
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Sai Upasak Best Astrologer For kundali Match Making! Uniting Couples & Kundali Since 1980!
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Sometimes in life we can not leave those issues alone, so you have to do everything you can to find the solutions. It is up to you to discover what is best and what you need to be vigilant about. By using astrology you can solve your life problems.
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–> What is Guna Milan in Kundali Matching?
श्री शनि पौराणिक मंत्र:
श्री नीलान्जन समाभासं ,रवि पुत्रं यमाग्रजम।
छाया मार्तण्ड सम्भूतं, तं नमामि शनैश्चरम ।।
In India, Janam Kundli (also called Birth Chart or Natal Chart) is taken into consideration by kundali Matching. Guna Milan is based on the position of Moon in the Natal Charts of bride and groom. In North India, there is a process of Guna Milan, called as, “Ashtakoot Milan”, which signifies the eight aspects of Gunas. “Ashta” means “Eight” and “Koota” means “Aspects”.
The eight Kootas are:
- Varna/Varna/Jaati : It shows the spiritual compatibility of boys and girls along with their ego levels. It is divided into 4 categories, such as Brahmins (Highest), Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra (Lowest).
- Vasya/Vasya : It shows mutual attraction, control in marriage and also calculates the power equation between married couples. A person is classified into 5 types, namely Manav/Nara (human), Vanchar (wild animals such as lion), Chatushpad (small animals such as deer), Jalchar (sea animals), Keeta/Keet (insects).
- Tara/Dina : It is related to birth star compatibility and destiny. There are 27 birth stars (Nakshatra).
- Yoni : It measures the intimacy level, sexual compatibility and mutual love between the couple. Yoni Koot is classified into 14 animals, which are Horse, Elephant, Sheep, Snake, Dog, Cat, Rat, Cow, Buffalo, Tiger, Hare/Deer, Monkey, Lion, Mongoose.
- Graha Maitri/Rashi Adhipati : It shows mental compatibility, affection and natural friendship. It also represents the moon sign compatibility between couples.
- Gana : It is related to behaviour and temperament. Birth stars (Nakshatras) are divided into three categories- Deva (God, indicating Sattva Guna), Manava (Human, indicating Rajo Guna) and Rakshasa (Demon, indicating Tamo Guna).
- Rashi or Bhakoot : It relates to the emotional compatibility and love between partners. The position of planets in the boy’s birth chart is compared with the girl’s birth chart. If the boy’s moon is placed in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th house from the girl’s moon, then it is considered bad or inauspicious, whereas 7th and 12th houses are considered good. In case of females, If the natal chart moon is placed in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th houses from man’s chart, then it will be auspicious and inauspicious if placed 12th from man’s chart.
- Nadi : It is related to health and genes. Stars (Nakshatra) are divided into 3 parts- Aadi (Vata) Nadi, Madhya (Pitta) Nadi and Antya (Kapha) Nadi.
Varna | 1 |
Vasya/Vasya | 2 |
Tara/Dina | 3 |
Yoni | 4 |
Grah Maitri/Rasyadipati | 5 |
Gana | 6 |
Rashi or Bhakoota | 7 |
Nadi | 8 |
TOTAL | 36 |
There are a total 36 Guna Milans in Ashtakoota. Let’s check below how the scores obtained for above Gunas are effective for marriage purposes.
–> What happens to couples with a very low score in Kundali matching?
12 House= Only Mars afflicting the house, 50%=Delay in Marriage, Acrimony in Marriage life
1 House= Only Mars afflicting the house, 60%= Delay in Marriage, Acrimony in Marriage life
2 House= Only Mars afflicting the house, 80%= Delay in Marriage, Acrimony in Marriage life
4 House= Only Mars afflicting the house, 80%= Delay in Marriage, Acrimony in Marriage life
7 House= Only Mars afflicting the house, 100%=Delay and Obstacles in Marriage Painful Marriage life Chances of Separation
8 House= Only Mars afflicting the house, 100%=Delay and Obstacles in Marriage Painful Marriage life Chances of Separation
12, 1, 2, 4 House= Mars + Any one planet out of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in a separate house) 150%=Delay and Obstacles in Marriage, Painful Marriage life, Chances of Separation!
12, 1, 2, 4 House= Mars + Any two planets out of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in separate houses) 200%=Too much Delay in Marriage, Painful Marriage life, End of Marriage life within 8 years.
7, 8+12, 1, 2, 4 House= Mars in 7 or 8 + Any one planet out of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in a separate house) 200%=Too much Delay in Marriage Painful Marriage life End of Marriage life within 8 years!
7, 8+12, 1, 2, 4 House = Mars in 7 or 8 + Any two or more planets out of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun (either with Mars or in separate houses)
250%= Too much Delay in Marriage, Painful Marriage life, End of Marriage life within 6 years!
It should be noted that Nadi Kuta is given supreme priority during match making. If Nadi Kuta is unfavourable then a match with 28 Gunas is also considered inauspicious.
Note – Mangal Dosha which is also known as Kuja Dosha is NOT considered while Ashtakuta matchmaking. If Mangal Dosha is present then both Vara and Kanya should have Mangal Dosha. It is advised not to perform match making between Mangalik and Non-Manglik couples.
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Most of us always wonder how can the personal and work lives be balanced or What are your solutions to life and career obstacles?
Do you want to know the chances in your life to be married or to find love?
Chatting with our Sai Upasak Best Astrologer For kundali Match Making can Give you instant solutions if you are having confusions and anxieties on all of the above fronts and want immediate answers for your problems. Take Our advice to make the perfect course of life. Don’t wait till it’s too late to make your dreams come true!
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